The GMX100 optical rain sensor is from the MaxiMet range of compact weather stations. The GMX100 features an integrated optical rain gauge and heater. The rain sensor automatically senses precipitation hitting its surface and uses algorithms based on the size and number of drops to determine rainfall and intensity. The GMX100 then provides readings for rainfall intensity, 24Hr rainfall totals and rainfall Y/N via RS232, RS485, RS422, SDI-12, NMEA and MODBUS serial outputs, or an optional analogue output. Unlike a tipping rain bucket, the GMX100 has no moving parts, preventing any false readings caused by movement. Power supply 5-30vDC, current consumption 80mA.
- Lightweight and Robust Rain Sensor
- Provides: Rainfall Totals, Intensity and rainfall Y/N readings
- Rainfall totals available in mm or inches
- Integrated Heater
- No Moving Parts
- Low Power Mode
- Bolt fittings supplied for securing the unit to a vertical pipe of diameter 44.45mm
- MetSet and MetView software included
Output Parameters
Precipitation Total.
Outputs Precipitation (Rain) Total reading, this is a one minute updated accumulated rain reading output once per second (with default output rate setting at 1Hz).
Is set to zero on MaxiMet power up.
Is set to zero when the clock reads 23:59:59 to 00 (midnight) and is the default setting.
For continuous measurement turn off Auto-reset of Total Precipitation using MetSet. Result e.g. 00000.4 (millimetres default).
Precipitation Intensity.
Outputs Precipitation (Rain) Intensity.
It is the sum of the last sixty lots of 1 minute accumulated Rain data. A new sum measurement is generated every minute.
It will be set to zero on MaxiMet power up.
Result e.g. 000.2 (millimetres default).
Precipitation Status.
Outputs Precipitation (Rain) Status as N or Y (No or Yes).
Changes N to Y when total precipitation is incremented.
Changes Y to N when total precipitation has not incremented in the last 60 seconds.
Result e.g. N (or Y).
Further information, including pricing, can be found on the GMX100 Rain Sensor Page.