Complete remote weather stations with integral data loggers, for wind speed, direction, temperature, barometric pressure, humidity, rain fall, solar radiation, etc. All data from our rental weather stations can be exported to MS Excel.
Our rental weather stations are supplied in a rugged IP67 carry case with a 2 metre tripod in a separate bag. They programmed and ready to use, with windows software for data download.
RWS-07 Portable Weather Station Hire
Complete Portable Remote Weather Station, solid state, for wind speed, direction, temperature, barometric pressure, humidity, etc. All data can be exported to Excel, CSV format. No external power or solar panels required.
Price range : £15.00 - £175.00
Rain Gauge with Data Logger Hire
Metal tipping bucket rain gauge, 6", supplied with a LogBox data logger. All data can be exported to Excel, CSV format. Supplied with windows software and USB interface for data download. Battery life up to 1 year.
Price range : £45.00 - £55.00